

Irradiance is the power of light per unit area.

Irradiance follows an inverse-square law: irradiance is directly proportional to the inverse square of the distance from the source.


Variable Key

  • I is the irradiance of a surface, in watts per square metre (W m2).
  • P is the power received by the surface, in watts (W).
  • A is the surface area, in square metres (m2).
  • d is the distance of the surface from the light source, in metres (m).
  • k is a constant, which ensures direct proportionality.


This formula only works if the direction of the light source is normal to the surface!

Since I=kd2, we know that Id2=k where k is constant. Therefore, we get:

I1 d12 = I2 d22
Variable Key

  • I1 is the irradiance of a surface at a distance of d1 from the light source.
  • d1 is a distance from the light source.
  • I2 is the irradiance of a surface at a distance of d2 from the light source.
  • d2 is another distance from the light source.