Translations - Act 2 Scene 2 Analysis


Using five examples of dialogue and five of stage directions, how does Friel present a scene of touchingly dramatic beauty in the love scene between Yolland and Maire? You could use the following:

  • The failure to understand each other's language.
  • The ways in which the scene works, despite them being unable to communicate.
  • How the stage directions show their attempts to communicate.
  • Stage directions showing their intimacy.
  • Uses of Latin, Irish and English: how this all seems to triumph over the boundaries that surround them.
  • The use of body language and movement in the stage directions.
  • How the scene reaches a beautiful point of understanding on pages 66 and 67.

Examine the scene in detail, giving your own reactions to Friel's writing and the dramatic techniques he usues. I will also do this piece of writing.

20 marks